Sunday, March 17, 2013

Departure Day

Brian and I have arrived at JFK International Airport for our flight to Rio de Janeiro! All we have are our carry on bags, the shirts on our backs,  hardly enough clothing for 2 months, a bible, and our positive attitudes. We are not sure what to expect for the rest of our travels but we do have a few predictions:

1. Alex convertes to Taoism and refuses to leave Thailand.
2. Brian is mistaken for Godzilla in Japan and causes a state of national emergency.
3. Alex is detained under suspicion of terrorism in Israel after growing out his beard for the entire trip.
4. Brian gambles away our Around the World Ticket in Macau but we keep blogging anyway to keep up the illusion we are still traveling.
5. Everything that we thought was so easy to book on the internet was actually a scam and our bank accounts are being depleted by a Russian computer nerd as we speak.

Hopefully none of our predictions come true. We will post soon about our stop in Rio. Time to board the plane!

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